Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Save Marriage - Managing Individual Differences to Save a Marriage From Divorce

As humans, we are bound to have differences either in opinion, utterance, or actions. We view issues from different perspectives as a result of our different orientations, society, exposure, skills, knowledge, upbringing, family background etc. These individual differences may lead our marriage into divorce if not properly managed.

The menace of individual differences in marriage may come in the following forms:

1) The stubborn adherence to one's own opinion or position on the part of one or both partners on a particular issue. This will lead to defending this position or opinion, prevailing on other to accept it or holding it against them, thereby carrying out discussion in a contentious manner in order to gain upper hand.

2) Dissension: This is when a dispute becomes severe and harsh, when the only concern of each partner in the marriage is getting better than the other. There is no concern for finding out the truth or clarifying what is right.

To therefore guide couples against these aforementioned menace and lead them towards the path of effectively managing individual opinion differences in marriage, the following must be first properly understood:

Solving your marital problems could be a click away…
The heartache and pain from marital trauma could be avoided at the click of a button. Learn how to communicate openly with your spouse and deal with your problems. Bring the two of you closer together and let yourself rediscover why you fell in love.
Learn what is involved in a successful marriage and how to keep yours that way.

- If differences of opinion operates in a healthy framework, it would enrich each partner and stimulate intellectual development. It would help to expand perspectives and help look at problems and issues in their wider and deeper ramifications and with greater precision and thoroughness.

- If intentions are sincere, differences of opinion could bring about greater awareness of the various possible aspects and interpretations of issues.

On understanding this, couples should take advantage of their opinion differences instead of allowing it to split their marriage. To actualize this, each partner must have the following ethics:

Patience in relating with others is something that is difficult. However, it cannot be compromised if couples must stay together. There is need for patience in convincing the other partner about a particular view point, patience at the face of provocation from one's partner, patience on the part of a partner in carrying out a responsibility allotted by the marriage bond, patience in calling others to action.

Patience with oneself is also very important. Each partner must know his/her self in matter of strength and weaknesses and learn how to overcome the weaknesses. This will help not to stick to extreme positions where there are easier options so as to carry the other partner along.

Love comes in different forms such as the romantic love, Hollywood-style love etc. The type of love needed in this case is the unconditional love. It is the type of love that holds the relationship when the romantic, Hollywood-style love is gone. Once the romantic love is gone you make the transition to "real" love. Real love is love you have for your partner despite the knowledge that they are not perfect. You know your partner has faults and makes mistakes sometimes, but that's okay. You still love them. This is unconditional love.

The same thing applies to you however in looking at your partner's faults. You acknowledge that you are the same. You have faults, not perfect and make mistakes sometimes, but that's okay. That's called self-acceptance, and you expect unconditional love to overcome the faults and imperfections.
I hope this information will be useful to you.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ways of Managing Disagreement to Save Your Marriage From Divorce

We live in a world where too many factors aid discord. These factors sometimes creep into marital affairs. The effect of discord is quite potent in disintegrating any marriage, even those that are expected or believed to be immune from it. Therefore, couple who have agreed to be bond by marriage must not rest on their oars; they must be weary of disagreement and dissension.

Disagreement may come in different forms, one of which is taking a different position from that of another person either in opinion, utterance, or action. This may lead to argument and mutual wrangling. However, couples should not allow it to degenerate into personal animosity or mutual acrimony.

Solving your marital problems could be a click away…
The heartache and pain from marital trauma could be avoided at the click of a button. Learn how to communicate openly with your spouse and deal with your problems. Bring the two of you closer together and let yourself rediscover why you fell in love.
Learn what is involved in a successful marriage and how to keep yours that way.

Have you ever taken your time to think how comforting and delightful it would be to have a mind devoid of rancor? Couples should be more concern with the objectives of their marriage and be weary of constant jostling with one another via argument.

Divorce statistics have showed that any people split from their husbands and wives, go through enormous trauma of marital failure all because they are unable to deal with a problem that ultimately could have saved them a lot of heartache, as well as money. It's just crazy! To guide against becoming another divorce statistic, here are some useful tips:

1) The first thing is that, couples should try as much as possible not to disagree by finding excuses for each other. They should not make much fuss about marginal issues.

2) Couples should avoid assumptions that may lead to crisis; they should treat realities not assumptions. This manner of dealing with actual situations normally does not leave much room for argument, let alone dispute and discord.

3) Discuss matters politely and amicably during dispute by avoiding the use of vile and insulting language. In line with this is also to listen attentively to the other person's opinion and try to understand his or her persuasion.

4) Couples should show unconditional love during disagreement, understanding that the other person neither mean evil nor has any intention to spite the other. The mutual feeling of love and concern for each other must not fade during disagreements.

5) Couples should struggle to always guide against all those things or actions that can go beyond the immediate comprehension of the other partner.